Rules of the Association


1.1 The  name of the association is “The Australian Network of  Structural Health Monitoring”.

1.2 The  initials “ANSHM” will be  used as the short title for the association where abbreviation is appropriate.


2.1 In  these rules -

“Association” means The Australian Network  of Structural Health Monitoring.

“Executive Committee” means the committee established by the Association  to manage its business between meetings, including administrative tasks  associated with the Association.

“Advisory Board” means the committee composed of pre-eminent  experts or other individuals of international standing in the Field who will monitor  and give advice on development plans and strategic direction of the  association.

“Field” means  Structural Health Monitoring (SHM), including but not limited to the use of  on-structure sensing system to monitor the performance of the structure and  evaluate its health state.

“Host Institution” means  the academic institution, university, industrial or research organisation or  government body at which the President is employed.

“Member” means an individual  or a group of individuals of an academic institution, university,  industrial or research organisation, or a government body which has a serious interest in  the Field and which agrees to become a member of the Association.

“Member Representative” means a representative who is nominated by the relevant Member as provided in rule 6.

“Core Member” means a Member, of which there is at least  one individual who is prepared to attend most of the meetings of the  Association, e.g. Annual General Meetings, Advisory Board Meetings, Executive  Committee Meetings as provided in rule 5.


3.1 The  objectives of the  Association are to promote and advance the Field of Structural  Health Monitoring in Australia on behalf of Members, and specifically -

(a) To  coordinate and integrate efforts for better development and application of SHM  techniques in Australia;

(b) To  showcase achievements, exchange ideas and disseminate knowledge nationally and internationally;

(c) To  promote and facilitate national and international collaborative research and  development; and

(d) To  raise general community awareness on the need for and value of SHM research and application.


4.1 The  Association has the power to:

(a) Open and operate bank accounts; and

(b) Do all such things as are conducive or incidental to the attainment of  its Objectives,  including appointment of individuals to undertake tasks on behalf of the  Association.


5.1 An individual or a group of  individuals of An academic institution, university, industrial or research  organisation with a serious interest in the Field, which supports the  objectives of the Association, and which meets the minimum requirement set by  the Executive Committee, is eligible to be a Member (“an Eligible Party”) and may apply to the Executive Committee to  become a Member.

5.2 An  Eligible Party becomes a Member of the ANSHM by agreeing in writing to become  a Member and to  pay any subscription fee determined in accordance with rule 8.

5.3 A  Member may  resign from the Association by giving 30 days written notice of resignation to  the Executive Committee.

5.4 The  Executive Committee of the Association may terminate a Member’s membership if -

(a) the  Member ceases to have an active interest in the Field; or

(b) has  annual subscription fees in arrears for at least 3 months

(c) acts contrary to the best  interest of the Association.

5.5 A  Core Member is a Member, of which there is at least one individual who is  prepared to attend most of the meetings of the Association, e.g. Annual General  Meetings, Advisory Board Meetings, Executive Committee Meetings.


6.1 Each  Member shall  be entitled to nominate one person to act as that Member’s representative (“Member Representative”) and vote at Annual General Member meetings (AGM).

6.2 If agreed by the Executive Committee, other individuals  associated with the Member’s activities in the Field may accompany the Member Representative  to attend AGM meetings  as an observer, and may have rights of audience and debate, but may not vote on  any resolutions.

6.3 AGM meetings of the Association shall be held at least once each year:

  • 1. in a venue: or
  • 2. using technology that gives all Member Representatives a reasonable opportunity to participate; or
  • 3. a combination of (a) and (b),

to be determined by the Executive Committee.

6.4 A Member whose Member  Representative is  unable to attend may nominate an alternate to act as the relevant Member  Representative at the  AGM meeting.

6.5 The  quorum for the AGM meetings shall be one half of the number of Core Members  plus one.

6.6 Each  Member shall have one vote. Except as  otherwise specified in these rules, all resolutions shall be passed by simple  majority vote of all Member Representatives present at the AGM meeting under rule 6.3. In the case of an equality of votes, the resolution is not passed.

6.7 The  President holding office under rule 7 chairs the AGM meeting and shall  ensure that adequately detailed minutes of the AGM meetings are prepared and  circulated to Members no later than 1 month after the AGM meeting  has occurred.


7.1 At  the first AGM meeting of the Association, the Member  Representatives shall  elect from their number a President and a Deputy President, and other Member  Representatives (“Office Bearers”) to be elected to form  the Executive Committee of the Association.

7.2 The President of the Association will chair both  the Executive Committee and the Advisory Board. In the absence of the President, the Deputy  President shall assume the duties of the President, including chairing of  meetings.

7.3 The  term of office for all elected Office Bearers shall be two years.

7.4 Executive  Committee (EC) meetings may be convened by the President at any time but no  less than once a calendar year, to discuss operational and management issues of  ANSHM. Such meetings may be held via teleconference or videoconference. The  President shall ensure that adequately detailed minutes of the EC meetings are  prepared and circulated to Office Bearers no later than 1 month after the  EC meeting has occurred.

7.5 All  Office Bearers are eligible for re-election upon the expiry of their term of  office. The election shall be held at  the next AGM meeting of the Association.

7.6 Nominations  for election of Office Bearers shall be called by the Executive Committee at least 14 days prior to the  election date. Nominations may be  received up to 24 hours prior to the election date and time. The Deputy President may nominate for the  role of President along with all other Member  Representatives of ANSHM when the term of office of the  President ends.

7.7 Election  of Office Bearers is by simple majority vote of all Member  Representatives  present at the AGM meeting under rule 6.3.

7.8 An  Office Bearer may resign by notice in writing to the Executive Committee. If any of Office Bearers  ceases to be employed by the Member, they will immediately relinquish the  Office Bearer position.

7.9 Any  casual vacancy created under rule 7.8 or otherwise shall be voted upon  at the next AGM meeting of the Association, and the person elected to the  casual vacancy shall be an Office Bearer for the balance of the two year term. If the  time to the next AGM meeting of the Association exceeds six months, the Executive  Committee can appoint an appropriate individual associated with any Member’s  activities in the Field who will act to fill the casual vacancy. If there is a casual vacancy in  the position of President, the Deputy President shall assume the role of  President and shall be eligible to stand for election as President for the  following two year term in accordance with rule 7.1.

7.10 The Executive Committee will propose, invite and  determine members of the Advisory Board from appropriate individuals associated  with any Member’s activities in the Field. The number of the members of the  Advisory Board will not  exceed the number of the Members.

7.11 The Advisory Board should meet at least once each year, prior  to the AGM meeting  under rule 6.3. The Executive Committee needs to attend the meeting but they are  not necessary a member of the Advisory Board.


8.1 The  Association may decide to impose an annual subscription fee on Members only by a resolution passed by at  least three quarters of all Members.

8.2 The  initial fee to be imposed shall be determined at a meeting of the Association  by a resolution by simple majority of all Member  Representatives  present.

8.3 The  subscription fee is imposed solely for the purpose of recouping the Host  Institution’s costs of running the Association.

8.4 The  amount of the annual subscription fee to be paid by a Member in each subsequent year shall be  determined by a resolution by simple majority of all Member  Representatives  present at the last meeting of the Association in each year. Members shall be presented with a statement of  proposed expenditure for the following year.

8.5 The  annual subscription fee shall be paid within three months of the commencement  of each year, upon receipt of a tax invoice issued by the Host Institution. Once paid, an annual subscription fee is not  refundable, even where membership ceases under rule 5.4(a).

8.6 Funds  collected by the Association must be spent in accordance with resolutions of the  Executive Committee and must comply with the financial policies and procedures  of the Host Institution.


9.1 Nothing  in these rules creates a partnership, joint venture, employment or agency  relationship between the Members.

9.2 The  Association shall not assume any legal or contractual obligations or  liabilities on behalf of any or all of its Members, except by written agreement with  each affected Member.

9.3 In  the event that the Association determines by resolution of Members to make a public statement or  submission, a Member may make a written request to the President that it be noted in the  statement or submission that the Member does not support the statement or  submission. The President must comply  with the Member’s  request.


10.1 These  rules may be amended, repealed or added to by a resolution passed by at least  three quarters of all Members Representatives present at the AGM meeting  under rule 6.3.

10.2 Any  Member may  propose an amendment to these rules by written notice to the President at least  28 days prior to an AGM meeting of Member Representatives.

10.3 The  President must provide written notice of the proposed amendments to Members at  least 14 days prior to the AGM meeting of Member  Representatives at  which the amendments may be voted upon. The President may provide  recommendations or comments from the Executive Committee on the proposed amendments.


11.1 In  the event of changed circumstances in which continuation of the Association is  no longer of interest or benefit to Members, a proposal for the winding up of the  Association must be put to the Members.

11.2 The  President must convene an Extraordinary Business Meeting to discuss the  proposal to wind up the Association. The President must provide at least 28  days written notice of the Extraordinary Business Meeting to the Members.

11.3 The  quorum for the meeting shall be three quarters of the total number of Members.

11.4 A  resolution to wind up the Association must be passed by at least three quarters  of the Member Representatives present at the meeting.

11.5 If  the resolution is passed, the funds remaining in the Association bank accounts  following the satisfaction of all debts and liabilities shall be distributed to  the Members in  equal proportions.